Marcus Aurelius

If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it. --Marcus Aurelius

Friday, August 31, 2018

Agenda Friday August 31

Did you greet your teacher in Latin when you entered the classroom?
If you have an assigned seat, are you sitting in it?
Turn in your information sheets now, read the EQs and copy the phrases of the day.

EQ1: What are essential expressions and commands for using Latin in the classroom and with classroom objects?  
EQ2: Who was Julius Caesar? Would you have been on the side of his assassins? Why or why not?  One of the reasons Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar" is so powerful is that reveals the complexities, the rightness and the wrongness, of killing Caesar. Right and wrong are in tension, at war with each other.

Phrases of the Day (POD). Quotations from Julius Caesar

Veni, vidi, vici.  · I came, I saw, I conquered.  · Written in a report to Rome 47 B.C., after conquering  a big chunk of Asia Minor in just five days

Alea iacta est - The die has been thrown (Said by Julius Caesar when he crossed with his troops the Rubicon river in 49 BC, despite the refusal of the Roman Senate, thus provoking civil war).

Malo hic esse primus quam Romae secundus - I prefer to be first in this place (a small village) than to be second at Rome. There are numerous versions of this in Latin. Caesar said this in Greek.

The Great Conspiracy Against Julius Caesar (six minutes) TED-ed video.


Guided Instruction TPR Lesson 03

Quizlet TPR 03 with images

Quizlet TPR 03 without images

Quizlet Live with TPR Lesson 03 Words

Quiz on TPR Lesson 03

Map of Roman Empire. Note where Asia Minor is. Today it includes the countries, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and a bit of Iran.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Agenda Thursday August 30

EQ1: What are essential expressions and commands for using Latin in the classroom and with classroom objects?  
EQ2: How did engineering and technology make Rome the most powerful civilization ever known?

Copy into your notes for the day.

Bellwork Phrases of the Day (POD)
Safety Net Words

1)      Intellego.    I understand.
(Used in response to the teacher checking in with—intellegitisne or intellegisne?)

2)      Non intellego.  I don’t understand.
(same as # 3)

3)      Insistamus (and hold up the time-out sign with hands).  Let’s pause, please.
(student may say/do this anytime she/he feels lost).

And, one more time: "Licetne mihi ad latrinam (or fontem) ire?  May I go to the restroom (water fountain).

Spotlight on Course information packet

Review hand signals

How will I calculate and weight your grades for this course? This information is included in your course information packet.

  • Binder (warm up, notes, handouts, worksheets assigned for class or homework all organized according to date; and located in the correct section of your binder  25%.  Labels for dividers of binder: Daily Notes/Handouts, Latin texts, Assessments (includes derivative worksheets),  Other handouts (culture, history, mythology).  
  • Homework: 25%(Every night you are expected to study vocabulary. Quizlet shows me if you studied by using Quizlet; your binder shows me if you write out vocabulary words there; flashcard can also show me that you are studying vocabulary. 
  •  Quizzes 25%
  • Tests weighted as 2-3 quizzes.
  • Class work, participation and engagement 25%.
  • Vocabulary Practice in Quizlet and vocabulary note cards (Extra Credit - adds up to 5 points to your final grade each quarter) 
 Let me know if you need assistance getting a binder or dividers. I will check and grade binders approximately every two weeks.

Note: signed information sheet attached to Course Information packet due Friday  Required course materials: binder, dividers, etc.are also due on Friday. These are both worth one quiz grade.

Quiz on TPR 02 Vocabulary. Copy the terms onto to notebook paper and then define them.  Your homework for yesterday was to study the vocabulary either in your First Conversation Handout or on Quizlet:

Guided instruction: TPR Lesson 3.

http://TPR 03TPR 03

Engineering Empire documentary 10:15 minutes.
Handout: Engineering Empire Viewing Guide and Questions

Tomorrow: The Great Conspiracy Against Julius Caesar 6 minutes

Agenda Wednesday August 29

EQ: What are essential expressions and commands for using Latin in the classroom and with classroom objects?

Did you greet your teacher in Latin when you entered the class room?

Phrases of the day (from Safety Net words on the cover of your Conversational Booklet:

1)      Quid significat ________?    What does (Latin word) mean?
(Used when a word or phrase in Latin is not understood).

2)      Quomodo dicitur ________?  How is (English word) said?
(Used when a student wants to say something but only knows the English).

Word of the day (WOD) "imperative". The imperative is the command form of a verb. This form can be singular (ambula) or plural (ambulate).  Usually the plural form is the singular form plus -te. 

Parts of speech Mad Lib

Use the links provided to join Quizlet and Remind (see post)

http://TPR 03TPR 03

03TPR Exercise 03 McCarthy

Audio for Lesson 03

23. Audio
24. Audio
25. Audio
26. Audio
27. Audio
28. Audio
29. Audio
30. Audio
31. Audio
32. Audio

Vocabulary Notes:
"sume" and "cape" both mean "take" or "pick up"
malum = apple
rursus = again; "iterum" also means "again"
pone/ponite = put
pulsa/pulsate = hit, knock
pavimentum = floor
in pavimento =on the floor
pro = in front of
sub = under

Classroom objects (Forum)

Humanum Corpus

Caput, humeri, genua pedes - vocabulary for short version
Caput, humerus, genus pes - lyrics to long version
Music for Caput humeri genua pedes

Study these phrases for a quiz. Copy this list into your notebooks and then add the definitions given at the top of this page.

Parts of Speech Mad Lib

Warmup for day III

Do you know your parts of speech? Did you read the course information packet?  Do this Mad Lib and we will find out.

Parts of Speech Mad Lib

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Join Code for Remind

Do you want to be reminded of homework, quizzes and other due dates? Sign up for Remind to receive a text message on your phone.

2018 Fall Semester Latin I  code: dgfc87

Quizlet Join Codes for Latin I

Latin I First Period: Quizlet Join Code Latin I First period (

Latin I Third Period: Quizlet Join Code For Latin I First Period (

01 TPR Exercise

TPR stands for "total physical response."

TPR Words In Quizlet Set I

1. Audio
2. Audio
3. Audio
4. Audio
5. Audio
6. Audio
7. Audio
8. Audio
9. Audio
10. Audio

HOMEWORK: Listen to the audio for the commands in 01 TPR Exercises and memorize the phrases.  Study the flashcards that go with this exercise in Quizlet. Study the actions in "Motus" and learn how to say them in Latin.

02 TPR Exercises

02 TPR Vocabulary in Quizlet

Latin Only:

Elements of a classroom
Note: ostium = ianua; cape = take!; claude = close!; aperi = open!; da = give!

A Little Quiz about Rome and Latin

Tuesday, August 28

A little Quiz about Rome and Latin

01 Hebdomas Prima - Week I - Pronunciation of Latin consonants and vowels

Good news! Latin is really easy to pronounce. First, every consonant and vowel is expressed. There are no "silent letters."  Once you learn how to pronounce the alphabet the letters sound the same in every word.

Latintutorial Pronunciation of Consonants (4 minutes)

Latintutorial Pronunciation of Vowels  (3 minutes)

Monday, August 27, 2018

Agenda: Tuesday August 28

EQ: What are essential expressions and commands for using Latin in the classroom and with classroom objects?

Phrase of the Day (POD):
Licetne mihi ad latrinam ire?  May I go to the rest room. 

Practice hand signals.

Review yesterday's vocabulary: Quizlet NLE First Conversations

Quiz on Conversational Latin National Latin Exam List in Quizlet

A little Quiz about Latin and Romans

Do you know your parts of speech and did you read the Course Information Packet?

Latin pronunciation: Consonants (Latin Tutorial)

TPR (Total physical response) Motus (movements). Material covered by Forum and McCarthy, both in your First Conversations in Latin handout.

TPR Words In Quizlet Set I (Quizlet Live)

Homework: Quiz on McCarthy TPR lesson 1:

01 Hebdomas Prima - Week I - Useful Classroom Expressions Part II- Polite Expressions and Gentle Commands

Useful Classroom Expressions  Part II- Polite Expressions and Gentle Commands

Quizlet set

Practice Part II of Useful Classroom Expressions by practicing three times with this Quizlet matching game.

Hebdomas Prima - Week I

27 August 2018

Lets get started with a short conversation.

Salutationes – Greetings
Surge!  stand up.

Salve.  Quid nomen est tibi?  Hi.  What is your name?

Nomen est mihi __________ (your name)  My name is _________.

Quid tibi placet facere? What do you like to do?

Mihi placet ____________    I like to _______________ (English)

Gratias ago. Thank you

Libenter.  You are welcome.

ConsÄ«de, quaeso.  Sit down, please.

Now with a partner practice the conversation.  Learn what s/he likes to do.

After you say "salve" you might want to ask "quid agis" or "ut vales," which both mean how are you?

Here are some things you can respond.  Valeo...

Copy these words and images to put in your notebooks.

FYI: You can find many of the most important Latin conversation expressions in this Quizlet set: Quizlet 000 First Conversations (NLE = National Latin Exam)

Now look at your "Chapter 1 Greetings" handout (from Conversational Latin by Traupman). We are going to listen to the first dialogue, page 15.  First we will learn how to pronounce the words in the first dialogue:

Link to scripts for Greetings (Traupman Conversational Latin)

Otium! Break time.


                                               * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now let's find out about your prior knowledge of things Roman by taking a student survey.

Once you have finished the survey, please fill out the student questionnaire. Please be as detailed as space allows.  Don't rush it. Answer thoughtfully.

When you have finished the questionnaire turn it in to me and read over the syllabus. Next we will look at the results of your surveys.

01 Hebdomas Prima - Week I Useful Classroom Expressions Part I Greetings

Useful Classroom Expressions in Quizlet  Part I

Practice "Useful Classroom Expressions Part I" with the Quizlet matching game below. Play the game three times.

Practice greetings with these texts from Forum

Review Salutations from previous post. Refer to your Traupman handout Conversation 01.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

First Day Agenda

  • First Conversations in Latin
  • Short quiz on things Roman
  • Student questionnaire
  • Course information packet
You will need: at least two pieces of notebook paper and something to write with.

Phrases of the day (POD).  Copy to put in your notebook

quid agis? How are you? How's it going?
mihi nomen est ___________  my name is ______________

Roll call:  adsum = present, I am here;  abest = s/he is absent, not hear, away

Opening conversation




 A little quiz on things Roman  student survey. - if time allows

Student questionnaire. Please be as detailed as space allows.  Don't rush it. Answer thoughtfully.

When you have finished the questionnaire turn it in to me and read over the syllabus. Next we will look at the results of your surveys.

01 Hebdomas Prima - Week I - Homework Expectations


You are all responsible for classwork and homework, even if you were absent on the day these were assigned. Our class blog makes clear what we did in class and what homework has been assigned. It is you responsibility to inform yourself about the class work and homework that you missed by reading the blog before the first class after days you missed.

When there is no specific homework assigned, I expect you to study the vocabulary sets in Quizlet. Here is the link to our class's Quizlet sets. You will be asked to join the class the first time you use this link. If you create a Quizlet ID that contains your first or last name, I will be able to give you extra credit for studying the sets. Quizlet tells me what sets you studied and how much time you spent doing it.  I cannot give credit for user names that I cannot connect with a specific student.

Because vocabulary study is a standing homework assignment, you can expect a pop quiz any day.

Links to study sets are posted in the blog. You will not retain the vocabulary unless you study at least 15 minutes every day; 30 minutes is better. So, you always have vocabulary to study, both past and present. You should also review frequently the notes in your notebooks.

Many students find it very helpful to make their own vocabulary cards.  With these you can test yourself any time or ask friends and family to test you.  I highly recommend making 3x5 cards of vocabulary words.

Derivatives Worksheet

Each week in which we focus on a chapter of the textbook you are expected to complete the "Pre-reading Derivatives" worksheet for that chapter. You can find them all here. Unless otherwise noted, the chapter worksheet is due every Wednesday.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Hebdomas Prima - Week I - What you will need for this class

It is essential for you have these items by the end of Week I. Worth one quiz grade. 
  • a loose leaf binder at least one-inch thick dedicated only to Latin, which you will bring to class every day. 
  • notebook paper 
  • five dividers for your binder 
  • two two-pocked folders with prongs inside for holding papers
Please let me know if you have any problems acquiring these items.