NL.CLL.1.3 , NL.CLL.2.1, NL.CLL.2.2, NL.CLL.2.3 NL.CLL.2.4 NL.CLL.2.5, NL.CLL.4.1
NL.CLL.2.4: Interpret phrases, commands, simple questions and descriptions that are presented with accompanying gestures, intonations, and other visual and auditory clues.
NL.CLL.3.3 Use appropriate pronunciation to present memorized phrases.
NL.CLL.4.3 : Recognize examples of cognates and loan words.
NL.COD.3.3 Use readily available technology tools and digital literacy skills to present in the target language.
I can form singular and plural commands (imperatives) and use them to communicate using correct pronunciation with students and the teacher.
Guided Instruction (8 minutes)
- Notice that the singular form of the imperative is the same as the present stem.
- The present stem = infinitive MINUS -re.
- The plural imperative adds a -te to the singular imperative (present stem).
- BUT! look at the 3rd conjugation plurals. The short-e has become a short -i!
1. ambula-re - ambula! ambulate! walk!
1. cura-re - cura! curate! take care of, watch out for!
2. sede-re - sede! sedete! sit (long -e)
2. cave-re - cave! cavete! (long -e) watch out! be careful!
3. age-re - age! agite! come on!
3. pone-re - pone! ponite! put! place!
4. dormi-re - dormi! dormite! sleep!
Copy (8 minutes)
Irregular imperatives. There are FOUR. Copy these:
Mnemonics for irregular command forms:
Dic, duc, fac and fer should have an "e" but it isn't there.
Dic the duc has fer on his fac.
Direct instruction (6 minutes)
Group work (10-15 minutes)
Use the scripts for "Cicero Dicit" (Simon Says) to practice giving and responding to commands. Practice giving commands to one person (singular) and more than one person (plural).
Use the scripts for "Cicero Dicit" (Simon Says) to practice giving and responding to commands. Practice giving commands to one person (singular) and more than one person (plural).
Whole class practice of Cicero Dicit (20-30 minutes)
If time allows practice head shoulders knees and toes in Latin.
Check for understanding (Quia) 20 minutes
10 Ecce Romani Imperatives 10d - 31 Questions
If time allows practice head shoulders knees and toes in Latin.
Check for understanding (Quia) 20 minutes
10 Ecce Romani Imperatives 10d - 31 Questions
Independent Practice and homework. Quizlet body words. Practice these when you finish the Quiz and at home.