Marcus Aurelius

If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it. --Marcus Aurelius

Monday, December 31, 2018

Chapter 10, January 3, Thursday. Commands and more practice with verb endings

NL.CLL.1.3 , NL.CLL.2.1, NL.CLL.2.2, NL.CLL.2.3  NL.CLL.2.4  NL.CLL.2.5, NL.CLL.4.1
NL.CLL.2.4: Interpret phrases, commands, simple questions and descriptions that are presented with accompanying gestures, intonations, and other visual and auditory clues.
NL.CLL.3.3 Use appropriate pronunciation to present memorized phrases.
NL.CLL.4.3 : Recognize examples of cognates and loan words.

NL.COD.3.3 Use readily available technology tools and digital literacy skills to present in the target language.

I can form singular and plural commands (imperatives) and use them to communicate using correct pronunciation with students and the teacher.

Bellwork: Read, copy and study chart (8 minutes)

Guided Instruction (8 minutes)
  • Notice that the singular form of the imperative is the same as the present stem. 
  • The present stem = infinitive MINUS -re.
  • The plural imperative adds a -te to the singular imperative (present stem).
  • BUT! look at the 3rd conjugation plurals. The short-e has become a short -i!
1. ambula-re - ambula! ambulate! walk!
1. cura-re - cura!  curate! take care of, watch out for!
2. sede-re - sede! sedete! sit (long -e)
2. cave-re - cave! cavete! (long -e) watch out! be careful!
3. age-re - age! agite! come on!
3. pone-re - pone! ponite! put! place!
4. dormi-re - dormi! dormite!  sleep!

Copy (8 minutes)
Irregular imperatives. There are FOUR. Copy these:

Mnemonics for irregular command forms:

Dic, duc, fac and fer should have an "e" but it isn't there.
Dic the duc has fer on his fac.

Direct instruction (6 minutes)

Group work (10-15 minutes)
Use the scripts for "Cicero Dicit" (Simon Says) to practice giving and responding to commands. Practice giving commands to one person (singular) and more than one person (plural).

Whole class practice of Cicero Dicit (20-30 minutes)

If time allows practice head shoulders knees and toes in Latin.

Check for understanding (Quia) 20 minutes
10 Ecce Romani Imperatives 10d - 31 Questions

Independent Practice and homework. Quizlet body words. Practice these when you finish the Quiz and at home.

Quizlet Body Words Flashcards. (prepare for quiz)

Thursday, December 20, 2018

December 20, Thursday All Classes

Latin 1. 
Prep for conjugation matching game (cards)
Quizizz conjugating
Bellum - conjugation practice all four conjugations

Latin II
Cloelia sight reading
Go fish with principal parts
Finish outstanding work

Latin I - 3rd period
Fill out chart with verbs from story 10
Check charts
Quizizz conjugating
Bellum - conjugation practice all four conjugations

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

10 Chapter Ecce Romani "Departure" December 19, Wednesday

EQ.How do we identify the conjugation to which a verb belongs? How do we find the stem of a verb? How do we translate each person of a conjugated verb?  What is tricky about 3rd, 3rd-io and 4th conjugation verbs?

Fill out a conjugation chart with these words for each conjugation:
1. exclamo, exclamare = to exclaim
2. soleo, solere (long -e) = to be accustomed to, in the habit of
3. pono, ponere (short -e) = to put, place
3-io  facio, facere (short -e)  = to do, make
4. dormio, dormire (long -i)  = to sleep

Practice vocabulary Quizlet vocabulary for Chapter 10

Take out your story handout.

Audio for story Chapter 10, read slowly for repetition. 

Latin I- 1st period; Chapter 10 read by teacher.   Raise your hand when a you hear a verb. 

Latin I 3rd period.  Group: identify verbs in story; underline.

Now listen again. Identify the verbs and tell me where they go in the chart.

Guided instruction (page 71)

Vocabulary Quiz
10 Ecce Romani-Vocabulary short matching

Homework: Conjugating Verbs Activity Book 10d (Google Classroom)

Sunday, December 16, 2018

December 17, Tuesday, Ecce Romani X Departure

Essential Questions
What are the four conjugations of Latin  verbs?  How do we recognize what to what conjugation (group, family) a verb belongs? How do we find the verb stem using the infinitive (the -are, ēre, ĕre and ire forms of a verb)? The infinitve form is translated “to verb.” In previous chapters you have seen examples of verbs from all conjugations and learned that in the present tense the personal endings are:
-o (I)                               -mus (we)
-s (you singular)             -tis (you plural)
-t  (he, she it)                   -nt

In this chapter you will learn how to determine the conjugation to which a verb belongs. Why is this important? Because verbs in the same conjugation follow the same rules.

Bellwork (8-10 minutes)
Words of the day - words about VERBS

inflect (verb) early 15c., "to bend inward," from Latin inflectere "to bend in, bow, curve," figuratively, "to change, alter, influence," from in- "in" + flectere "to bend" (see flexible). Grammatical sense "to vary by change of form" (especially at the end of a word).

conjugate (verb): 1520s, in the grammatical sense, "inflect (a verb) through all its various forms," from Latin coniugare "to yoke together," from com "with, together” iugare "to join," from iugum "yoke" " This use has its origin in the fact that in inflected languages, a verb is conjugated by conjoining certain ENDINGS with the root" [Century Dictionary].

conjugation (noun): "The inflection of a verb in all its different forms; a class of verbs similarly conjugated," from Latin coniugatio noun, literally "a combining, connecting."  Latin verb: coniugare "to join together," Meaning "act of uniting or combining" is from c. 1600.

We don't use the word "conjugate" much today unless we are talking about languages and verbs. But here is a related word we do use:

conjugal (adj) "pertaining to marriage, nuptial," also "pertaining to the relationship of husband and wife;” related to coniugare "to join together," from assimilated form of com "with, together" +  iugare "to join," from iugum "yoke."

con (from the Latin cum) + iugum (yoke): yoked with, yoked together

Listen to the audio for vocabulary Chapter 10.  What vocabulary words can you find in the picture. What vocabulary suggest what is happening in the story? (8 minutes)

Pre-reading Questions: (8 minutes)

a.   What is happening in the picture?

b. Who is standing in the doorway, and when did we see him last?

c.  Would you approve of the way the slave is putting the chest into the carriage? Why or why not?

d. The "In This Chapter" box mentions conjugations of verbs. What do you think the word conjugation means?

e.  How have we divided verbs into groups so far in the course?  

Notes: The Basics of conjugating (10 minutes)

Exercise 10b Textbook identify the conjugation of each verb in this Quizizz game. (20-25 minutes)

 Audio for Chapter X
Story read with pauses

Practice Vocabulary with Quizlet flash cards or matching game (adjust to time available)

Quizlet Vocabulary Flashcards for Chapter 10

Matching game

Exit ticket (10 minutes):
Use these words from the story to complete the chart (handout). Use the model on page 73 if needed. 

incito, incitare - to spur on, urge on
iubeo, iubere (long -e-) to command, order
gero, gerere (short e) to wear
iacio, iacere (3rd conjugation -io) to throw
nescio, nescire (long -i)

Chart example

Homework: study vocabulary for quiz tomorrow and review conjugation notes from today.

As time allows or for tomorrow:

Verbs in chapters 1-10 Quizlet Set

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Monday, December 18.

EQ. What are the domains, relationships and attributes of the major gods venerated by the Romans?

Materials: you will need a device - iPad, phone or computer -- throughout this class. 

Quietly review the text by Rose Williams on the Roman Gods for about 8 minutes. Then take this Quia quiz on the text.

You can find the text here: Rose Williams on the Roman Gods text (Google Classroom)

Latin Third Period: You may save your work and continue after lunch or you may take this quiz a second time after lunch. Three attempts permitted.

Review the Latin vocabulary for Dei et Deae (text formatted as a table)
Link to flashcards in Quizlet

Matching game for vocabulary for Dei et Deae

Finish PowerPoint on Dei et Deae

Check for understanding. Complete this Quia exercise on Dei et Deae

09 Ecce Romani Dei et Deae (Latina Mythical)

Check progress on student PowerPoints on Roman Gods

Friday, December 14, 2018

December 14, Friday

EQ: How do we go about identifying the correct verb forms for a sentence? Hint: Identify the subject.
What are the characteristics of Roman gods?

Bellwork (open the blog entry for today on your device)

Spend five minutes studying the sentences and verbs below. The write the correct verb and translate it.

1. es - you are/are you
2. excitat - wake up (subject is Corneila)

redeo, redire = return, go back
vexo, vexare = to annoy
trado, tradere = to hand over, hand down
lego, legere = to read
consulo, consulere = to consult
discedo, discedere = to depart
surgo, surgere = rise, get up
advenio, advenire = to arrive
curro, currere =to run
audio, audire = to hear
dormio, dormire = to sleep
facio, facere = to do make
volo, velle =to want
nolo, nolle = to not want

Quizlet Live: Vocabulary for Dei et Deae 

quizlet live longer

Work on Roman Gods project. 

Thursday, December 13, 2018

December 13, Thursday Preposition Quiz and Media Center for gods and goddesses

Preposition Quiz in Quia -Period I

Link to PowerPoint format for Dei et Deae Project

Preposition Quiz in Quia - Period III

Link to PowerPoint format Dei et Deae Project

Searching for images - Good strategies

1. include "ancient roman" with the name of the god

2. take descriptive terms from the article by Rose Williams "Roman Gods," for example "ancient Roman gods of agriculture"  "ancient Roman god of harvest"

3.  Do not use images from commercial sites 

Here are some reliable sources for images:


Wednesday, December 12, 2018

December 12, Wednesday. 09 Chapter Ecce Romani. Gods, goddesses and prepositions

EQ. How do you form the ablative for declensions 1-3, singular and plural? 

Phrase of the day: Di nos quasi pilas homines habent.
The gods treat us humans like footballs.

Instructions: Write out the prepositional phrases in the following sentences. All the preposition take the ablative. Then underline the ablative noun and any adjectives that modify that noun.

Demonstration: How to find and download images of gods for your Roman Gods (Williams) presentation.
With a computer.
With an iPad:
From Safari, navigate to the website with an image you want to save
Tap and hold on the image until the pop-up selection menu appears, then tap “Save Image”

Give the image the name of the god or goddess and when the information is available include where that image is (museum, city, etc.)
Find the saved image within Photos app

Go to Media center to work on Roman god project. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

12/11/2018 Tuesday (2 hour delay day) Chapter 09 Ecce Romani Gods and Goddesses

EQ: What were the roles of Roman gods and goddesses? How did Roman deities and religious practices differ from those of the Greeks that Roman gods they assimilated?

Bellwork (both 1st and 3rd period)

Quotation of the day

"Religion for the Romans was a bargaining process: if a man did his duty, he had a right to expect the god to do his. Do ut des – I give so that you may give – was the usual sacrificial prayer. Romans were always in spirit an agricultural people, thinking in terms of cause and effect, of reaping what one sows. The rhythms of their worship followed the rhythms of the seasons. Many Roman gods were not found far away on a mountaintop, but worked beside the Romans in field and home.

Latin I. First Period
We will go to the media center with the article by Rose Williams. This time is for you to use to gather images for the gods (ancient ones please) and build your answers either in the Word Document or in the Powerpoint Template (Google Classroom)


Latin I. Second Period

1. Copy the quotation of the day into your notebook.

2.  Mini-Vinco. Draw a tic-tac-toe board in your notebooks. Make it big enough so you can put the names of Roman gods and goddesses in the blank spaces. Then write in any order the Roman names of deities on page 69 in your textbook. Take a moment to read the short descriptions.  I will then read the description of each immortal and you put a game piece on that name. Three in a row: VINCO!

Now take out your Dei et Deae translation worksheet and use it to engage the translation in the Dei and Deae Powerpoint, which I will project.

PowerPoint on Gods and Goddesses-Translation of Dei et Deae.

Brain break: Play Quizlet Matching Game with Dei et Deae vocabulary above.

Monday, December 10, 2018

09 Ecce Romani, Monday December 10. Prepositions, Gods and Goddesses

Bellwork 12/10/2018

Words of the Day:

Syncretize.  To amalgamate  different cultural practices into a more or less coherent system; To reconcile and unite differing religious beliefs.  To combine differing elements or beliefs of a religious or philosophical world view;  To combine or attempt to combine the characteristic teachings, beliefs, or practices of (differing systems of religion or philosophy).  As you prepare your god project look for facts that indicate a blending of gods and their functions with gods from other cultures.

Amalgamate.  To mix or merge so as to make a combination; blend; unite; combine

God and Goddesses assignment explained (see Google Classroom)

HOMEWORK: Pre-reading derivatives for Chapter 10 and work on your assignment about Roman gods and goddesses using either the Word document or the PowerPoint document in Google Classroom. Use Rose Williams' text on Roman gods and goddess to complete this assignment by Friday.

Puzzle vocabulary challenge

If you finish the bellwork of puzzle before others do. Use the time to practice the vocabulary below.

Vocabulary for Gods and Goddess- Dei et Deae. You have seen some of these words before; you are not expected to memorize all of them. Rather aim to familiarize yourself with them, so you can participate in the translation to follow.

Practice Vocabulary for Dei et Deae

Practice Prepositions

Friday, December 7, 2018

December 7, Friday Chapter 09 Ecce Romani

EQ. How do prepositions function in Latin and how do they affect the case endings of their noun objects?


Latin I First Period link to Quizizz in Google Classroom

Latin I THIRD PERIOD link to Quizizz in Google Classroom

Read Myth II section "Major Gods and Goddesses" pages 68-69 in Google Classroom. Take notes.

Play Bellum (War) with questions on prepositions. Make groups of three.

Homework: Read and study article on Roman gods in Google Classroom (gods near and far)

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

December 6, Thursday. Chapter 09. Prepositions and Translation.

Homework: Study preposition handout and do exercise 09d on the back of the handout.


Read the section from your textbook on Prepositions (page 64). Then take this Quizizz assessment.  - use join code523426

Finish your walking translation of "Goodbye" Chapter 09 Story.

Guided instruction: Translation and answers to grammar questions. 

09 Chapter Quizizz

December 5.Wednesday. Chapter 09 Ecce Romani

EQ. How do prepositions operate in Latin?


Watch is Video on Prepositions then do Ex. 9d on page 66 of your textbook.

Practice vocabulary from Chapter 09:
Quizlet vocabulary just words not matching game

Walking Translation of 09 Story. Find the Latin for the English sentences.

09 Chapter Ecce Romani Quizizz

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Tuesday December 4 Ecce Romani Chapter 09

Bellwork 12/4/2018

Answer these questions on paper and turn them in before B lunch.

  1. Where is Baiae?
  2. Who built villae  there?
  3. What does opulent (adjective), from Latin ops, opis f., mean?
  4. What Emperor had two enormous house there?
  5. What caused Baiae to sink into the sea?
  6. What is a fumerole?
  7. What is a piscina and why did the villae in Baiae build such large ones?
  8. What is a nympheum?

Quizizz Chapter 09 Ecce Romani

Monday, December 3, 2018

Monday-Tuesday December 03-04 Ecce Romani Chapter 09 "Goodbye

EQ: What is the ablative case? What are its endings in the first three declension? Why is it important to know when you are working with prepositions?

 Homework: Pre-reading Derivatives in Google Classroom. Due midnight tomorrow.


Declension song #1

09 Chapter Ecce Pre reading questions
Open your textbooks to pages 62-63 and to spend two minutes looking at the picture, read the "In This Chapter" box and the title of the story, and looking very quickly at the vocabulary list. Then address the following questions:

a. What is the scene of this picture, who is present, and what is happening?
b. Why has Cornelia come to Flavia while the latter is sleeping?
c. What examples of prepositional phrases can you give me from the stories you have read so far
d. What case of which you have seen many examples will be formally presented in this chapter?
e. Look back at the story in Chapter 1. What prepositional phrases do you suppose might have nouns in the ablative case?
f. What other nouns in the story in Chapter 1 might be in the ablative case?

Audio for story and vocabulary

Practice vocabulary:

Answer the following questions in Latin using the story in Chapter 09 as a guide.

1. Cur nemo Corneliam conspicit?

2. Quo Cornelia Flaviam ducit?

3. Cur est Cornelia misera?

4. Cur est Flavia misera.

LatinTutorial Video on Prespositions

Baiae: The Sunken City Video (1:15) documentary

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

November 28 Wednesday-November 29 Important Assignments to Complete

Copy this chart into your notes

08 Ecce Romani Verb Endings

Work on these assignments in class and for homework.

Google Classroom assignments. Texts that help you answer these assignments are also in Google Classroom. 

6. Patria Potestas Questions (Answer Essay Questions; multiple choice are done for you)

7.Pompeii The Last Day (You did this on paper; check to see if you still have it.)

8.Rome in the First Century Viewing Guide

Link to questions for Period One in Google Classroom
Link to questions for Period Three in Google Classroom
Link to Transcript One of Viewing Guide
Link to Transcript Two
Link to Transcript Three

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Tuesday November 27

Check Homework (follow link to Google Classroom) Preamble to US Constitution - 22 Latin derivatives.

Quizlet Live 22 Latin derivatives from Preamble

Quizlet Live translations of dialogues

Sum song

Conjugation Game with ball or beanbags.

12 Days of Christmas in Latin

Patria Potestas: Reading and Questions in Google Classroom.
Link for Latin I First Period
Link for Latin I Third Period

November 26-27, Monday & Tuesday. Ecce Romani Chapter 8. Exercise 8c, page 56. Guided instruction.

Ludus cum pila: Game with a ball.

I will show you the English meaning of a conjugated first conjugation verb (-are verbs). I will begin by throwing a ball to one of you. If you answer the question correctly, then you throw the ball to another person, who has to say the Latin for the next form of the verb shown.  We keep doing this. If someone misses the answer, then they go to prison (carcer) at the back of the class. If a prisoner raises his or her hand, whoever has the ball has to throw it to him/her (one of the prisoners - captivus/captiva). If the captivus/captiva answers correctly s/he gets to return to her/his seat and take the next throw.  Prisoners! pay close attention to the game because it will teach/remind you how to answer correctly. 

Quizlet First Conjugation Verbs Conjugated

EXERCISE 8c (Guided instruction)

Read aloud. Identify the person (1st, 2nd, or 3rd) and number (singular or plural) of each verb that is not an infinitive. Then translate:

1. Cur ē villa in silvam saepe ambulatis, puellae? 1 2 3 sing. plural?

2. In eadem silvā pueri quoque ambulant. 1 2 3 sing plural?

3. Irata sum quod servos sedentes conspiciō.

4. Arbores ascendimus quod lupi nos terrent.

5. "Sexte! Marce!" clamat Cornelia. "Cur non surgitis?"

6. "Eheu!" inquit Davus. "Semper ego laboro; semper me vexant pueri; ad Britanniam redire volo.

7. Omnia paramus quod Romam hodie redimus.

8. Servi in villa sedent; neque Aureliam audiunt neque respondent, nam defessi sunt.

nam, conj.,for

November 26-27. Ecce Romani Chapter VIII Dialogues

Link to Quizlet Translations of Dialogues

Each of you will get cards with a sentence from one of the dialogues; and another with your role/identity. Get into 8 groups, according to the number on your card. Practice the dialogue as a group. Then each group will perform the dialogue for the class.

Finally, we will play Quizlet Live with the dialogue sentences and translations (today or tomorrow)

Homework (follow link to Google Classroom) Preamble to US Constitution - 22 Latin derivatives.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

November 21. Choice

1. Take the 80 question test in Quia again to raise your grade (Latin I FIRST PERIOD:

LATIN I THIRD PERIOD take the 60 question test in Quia:

2. Play Bellum Latinum (Latin War) with words from Chapters 6-8. Form groups of three.

HOMEWORK: The post for November 9 lists Quia quizzes that have been assigned. Go to this post to find links to quizzes you may have not done yet. Then do them.

Monday, November 19, 2018

November 20. Make-up work on assignments

Bellwork: LatinTutorial videos on the present tense.
Copy charts from the Forms post below or p.54 of textbook.

Latin 1 first period should work first on:
07 Review Exercises 01-07 Vocabulary - 80
Latin 1 third period should work first on:
07 Review Exercises 01-07 Vocabulary - 60

There is no limit on the number of times you can take the above quizzes.But you have to take or retake the quiz before noon on Wednesday,  the cut off date.

If your score was above 90, you may skip this exercise and focus on other assignments.  Things you may do:

  • Check PowerSchool to see what assignments you may be missing
  • Take again an assignment from Quia for which you would like to improve your grade. Almost all Quia assignments now have unlimited attempts. This will end on Saturday night.
  • Do missing work in Google Classroom
  • Finish questions on "Rome: The First Century"
  • Study the Forms information in a previous post below and copy or finish copying the three charts
  • Work on worksheets distributed yesterday.
  • Review vocabulary in Quizlet
IMPORTANT! Keep a written record of assignments you do or re-do in the next five days and give it to me so I can know what grades to change. You can email me this list at

During this week and the next, I will be evaluating your class performance. If you stay on task, raise your hand to ask questions and refrain from disruptive talk or behavior, I will replace one missing assignment with your class grade each day.

First period sophomores: I cannot change last Wednesday's absences but have contacted the data manager and asked her to do so. 

Sunday, November 18, 2018

19 November Chapter 08 Ecce Romani Story and Vocabulary

Bellwork: Copy Vocabulary Listed by Part of Speech for your notebooks. Include all information.

Turn to pages 52-53 in your textbook and to spend two minutes looking at the picture, reading the "In This Chapter" box and the title of the story, and looking very quickly at the vocabulary list. Then ask the following questions:

a. Compare the picture with the ground plan of the villa rustica on page 46. Exactly where in the villa is this scene taking place?
b. What is happening. in the picture?
c. What do you think Aurelia is saying to the slaves?
d. What do the endings you have seen on verbs tell you?
e. What do you suppose the new endings in this chapter will tell you? What is missing from what you have learned so far?
f. What have you learned so far about how to address a person by name in Latin? 


Responde Latine. Find the sentences in the story that answer the following questions:
1. Cur est Aurelia irata?
2. Cur necesse est omnia statim parare?
3. Quid Aurelia in cubiculo Marci clamat?
4. Quid facit Marcus?
5. Surgitne Sextus?
6. Quid facit Sextus?
7. Cur Marcus non surgit?
8. Quis subito intrat?
9. Cur Marcus surgit?

Practice Vocabulary with Quizlet Flashcards

Practice Vocabulary with Quizlet Matching

Kahoot Chapter 8 Vocabulary

Homework: Activity Book Exercises 8b and 8c (Handout).

20 November Chapter 08 Ecce Romani Grammar - Verb endings

The endings of verbs tell you who is doing something. Read the grammar presentation below (page 54 in your textbook). Copy the charts into your notebook.

Watch the following two videos, which will help you do the verb assignments in your activity packet.
The Singular of the Present Tense (url:
The Present Tense  (url:

How do you identify the present stem of a verb?
Answer: remove the -re from the infinitive form = the second principal part.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Questions for Rome The First Century

You are to answer the question in the Word Document posted in Google Classroom. Answers are due Monday November 19. Download the Word Document and enter your answers. Then submit it through Google Classroom.

Link to Questions for Latin I First period.

Link to Questions for Latin I Third Period

If you have any problems downloading or submitting through Google Classroom the same questions can be found HERE.  You can submit your answers to if you hit a snag with Google Classroom. 

Remember you can use the transcripts for each episode to find information you may have missed while viewing. Links to transcripts are in the following blog entry.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Documentary Film: Rome in the First Century

Each episode is 55 minutes long. Watch one a day.

1) Read the background material presented in the film's companion webpage: Roman Empire in the First Century (PBS)
Readings: Introduction Roman Empire
Emperors (10 Minutes)

2) Read the questions in the Viewing Guide. Then watch the following episodes. Ask the teacher to pause when you need time to answer a question on the Guide. (five minutes)

Rome in the first Century - Episode 1: Order From Chaos (ANCIENT HISTORY DOCUMENTARY)

Rome in the First Century - Episode 2:  Years of Trial

Rome in the First Century - Episode 3: The Winds of Change

3) TRANSCRIPTS. If a student did not manage to record a full answer on the viewing guide during the viewing, s/he can find transcripts to all three videos here:
Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3


As time allows study the vocabulary for  Chapter 08 Lin k to Quizlet

Homework: Learn the chapter 08 Vocabulary.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Roman Slavery Project Checklist

Blendspace Roman Slavery Worksheet and Checklist. You are to work and discuss as a group and prepare a group presentation. Each student must prepare her/his own responses to the texts and images.  Include the title of text and tile number of each source you discuss and analyze.
1. At least half of the questions in tile 3 answered.

2. Recorded notes on each source secondary source and one primary source
3. Observations on texts backed up by quotations. Use the quotation record handout to group your quotations according to these topics:

a. benefits of slavery to owners
b. benefits to slaves
c. negative consequences for owners
d. negative consequences for slaves.

4. Information that surprised you or raised questions

5. Words and statements that you do not understand

6. Look up and define English words you do not know.

7. Point of view and analysis of argument of your primary text

8. Personal responses
9. Group responses
10. Disagreements within your group

11. Final summary of individual and group work. Begin each summary with a strong topic sentence and conclude your summary with one key take away of your final personal response.

12. Summaries and analysis should be written in complete sentences and with good grammar and spelling.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Quia Test on "Aeneas Flees Troy"

Aeneas Leaves Troy Quiz 11/9/2018

Read the English account of the Trojan War and Aeneas (pages 28-31) before you take the Quia test/quiz.

When you have finished the Quia quiz, translate the first paragraph of the Latin "Aeneas Leaves Troy" and hand it in before you leave class. Remember Date, Name, Period. You can work with a partner. Include the name (s) of the partner.

Here is a list of Quia quizzes and exercises that you should have completed by now. Check to see that you have taken all of these:

Quia Quiz Checklist

First period Latin: 07 Review Exercises 01-07 Vocabulary

Third period Latin 07 Review (60 Questions)

07 Review Exercises 01-07 #1

07_01 Ecce: Basic Grammar Concepts Review**

07 Ecce Romani Vocabulary Review 69 terms Open Book Pre-test

*A useful Quizlet set for reviewing vocabulary in the first Unit (01-07 Chapters).

Past Quia Assignments

06 Ecce Chapter adjective agreement, Two sets of matching nouns & adjectives­­­

04 Ecce Romani Vocabulary - 28 terms edited

04_03 Ecce Romani Roman Dress, Grammar -45 Questions Edited Use
 05 Aeneas

05 Chapter Ecce Aeneas pages 28-31. Open book.

Go to Google Classroom and check to see that you have done the assignments.