Marcus Aurelius

If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it. --Marcus Aurelius

Monday, December 3, 2018

Monday-Tuesday December 03-04 Ecce Romani Chapter 09 "Goodbye

EQ: What is the ablative case? What are its endings in the first three declension? Why is it important to know when you are working with prepositions?

 Homework: Pre-reading Derivatives in Google Classroom. Due midnight tomorrow.


Declension song #1

09 Chapter Ecce Pre reading questions
Open your textbooks to pages 62-63 and to spend two minutes looking at the picture, read the "In This Chapter" box and the title of the story, and looking very quickly at the vocabulary list. Then address the following questions:

a. What is the scene of this picture, who is present, and what is happening?
b. Why has Cornelia come to Flavia while the latter is sleeping?
c. What examples of prepositional phrases can you give me from the stories you have read so far
d. What case of which you have seen many examples will be formally presented in this chapter?
e. Look back at the story in Chapter 1. What prepositional phrases do you suppose might have nouns in the ablative case?
f. What other nouns in the story in Chapter 1 might be in the ablative case?

Audio for story and vocabulary

Practice vocabulary:

Answer the following questions in Latin using the story in Chapter 09 as a guide.

1. Cur nemo Corneliam conspicit?

2. Quo Cornelia Flaviam ducit?

3. Cur est Cornelia misera?

4. Cur est Flavia misera.

LatinTutorial Video on Prespositions

Baiae: The Sunken City Video (1:15) documentary

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