Marcus Aurelius

If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it. --Marcus Aurelius

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

October 31-November 01. Roman Slavery. Group Work Based on Blendspace Resources.

Blendspace: Roman Slavery

Introduction to Blendspace Resources and tasks for groups:

Tiles 2-6 offer short essays on Roman slaves and slavery taken from three elementary Latin textbooks: The Cambridge Latin Course Unit I, Stage 6; Latin for Americans; and Ecce Romani I, Chapters 6 and 10. All members of a group should read these short essays.

These are followed by two articles about slaves' resistance with questions (7 & 8).

Tiles 9-13 are PRIMARY SOURCE. texts by well-known Roman authors: Columella about the work of slaves, men and women, on large farming estates;Cato the Elder, Pliny the Younger and Seneca, who reveal their thoughts about cruel masters, slaves and slavery as an institution.

In your group, decide who will be the primary person to read and present one source from 7-13 to the group. Everyone is encouraged to read the primary sources, but one person must summarize and present the primary source.

As a group you must create a collection of quotations or summaries that illustrate the good, the bad, and the ugly of the Roman institution of slavery. You must include how slavery could be bad or ugly for slave owners as well as slaves.

As a group you must identify and describe five ways in which Roman slavery differed from the Atlantic slave trade and slavery in American in the 16-19th centuries.

While you are working as a group, your grade for this assignment will be based on your own involvement in reading, presenting in group, and presenting to the class. Each student in a group will rate the quality and usefulness of the contributions of the other students in the group. You will be assessed by your peers as well as by the teacher. In addition, the whole class will answer final questions on the quality of each group's presentation. 

Ecce Romani VII News from Rome

Bellwork: Vocabulary Quiz

Pre-reading questions.

a. To whom are the children speaking in the road?
b. What is he carrying?
c. Where did he come from?
d. How did he get to the villa.
e. What is Cornelius doing?
f. What case governs the subject of a sentence?
g. What case governs the direct object of a sentence?
h. Do you anticipate that case ending will change when subjects and objects become plural?
i. How many of the five declensions have we met so far? (p. 41)

Audio for Chapter VII
Story read quickly
Story read with pauses

Questions on the text

07 Chapter Ecce Romani - Recognizing nominative and accusative nouns

Read pages 42-43 in Chapter 7 of Ecce Romani, which focuses on recognizing nominative and accusative cases of nouns.

Then do Exercise 7 on page 44. Follow link or see below.

Exercise 7f Chapter 7 page 44. HOMEWORK.

Study the grammar explanations on pages 42 and 43 in Ecce Romani. Then read each sentence below aloud. Identify subjects and direct objects. Then translate.

1. Servus senators videt.

2. Arbores pueri saepe ascendunt.

3. Clamores puellas terrent.

4. Patres magnos fragores audiunt.

5. Patrem voces vexant.

6. Voces in horto audit.

7. Patres in via conspiciunt.

8. Patres pueros in via conspiciunt.

9. Patres solliciti clamores audiunt.

10. Magnas voces patres audiunt.

Bellwork and Agenda for Latin I Period 01

Read text Roman Slaves and Freedmen and answer questions. Go to Google Classroom. Or pick up handout.

Read section on The Slave Market from Chapter 06 Ecce Romani

PowerPoint on Roman Slavery

Noun-Adjective Matching Game.

Homework: Finish questions on Roman Slaves and Freedman; study for quiz.

Pre-reading derivatives due Friday.

Bellwork for Period 3 October 31


06 Ecce Roman Slavery

Matching Game: Nouns and Adjectives

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Tuesday October 30.

Bellwork: Adjectives from Insult Lists
  1. magnus, a, um (large) 
  2. hirsutus, a, um (hairy) 
  3. olidus, a, um (smelly) 
  4. timidus, a, um(cowardly; frightened, afraid)
  5. stultus, a, um (stupid) 
  6. tardus, a, um (slow) 
  7. sordidus, a, um (dirty) 
  8. ignavus, a, um (lazy)
  9. molestus, a, um (annoying 
  10. sonivus, a,um (noisy) 

Now write these questions, leaving a space for answers. Responde Latine:
Qui= who? plural; quis = who singular

Cur= why

1. Quis surgit?
2. Qui dormiunt?
3. Quid faciunt servi et ancillae?
4. Quid servi e rivo in villam portant?
5. Cur Cornelius iratus est?
6. Quid Aurelia Corneliam docet?
7. Quid Cornelia facere parat?
8. Quid Cornelia non facit?

Responde Latine
Story read with pauses
Story read without pauses

Quizlet Translation of Story 06

Board Race with vocabulary from Chapter 06 (flyswatter)

Read and take notes for group discussion. 
Link to "At the Slave Market" Ecce Romani chapter 06

Link to Blendspace Resources.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

We are at 91 posts. Are you keeping up?

Take some time to review where we have been.

October 29. Chapter 06 Early in the Day

Bellwork: Copy into your notebooks

Infinitives used with impersonal verbs. In chapter 06 you are introduced to "necesse est" (it is necessary to + infinitive form of verb.

Other impersonal verbs
licet mihi.. is it permitted to me? may I

accidit, accidere, accidit it happens (w/acc.) + infinitive

decet, decere, decuit it is proper, fitting; one should (w/acc.) + infinitive

oportet, oportere, oportuit it is fitting, one ought or must (w/acc.) + infinitive

placet, placere, placuit it pleases; one likes (w/dat.)

paenitet, paenitere, paenituit it makes one (acc.) regret/ repent of something (gen./inf.) me paenitet = I am sorry

In your notebook, write the Latin sentences below, leaving a space so that we as a class supply the translation.

Essential Grammar Handout

Noun Declension Video

Noun Declension Chant

Guided practice. Quia nouns-adjective matching activity

  _____rāmī  _____rīvō  _____silvā  _____lupōs  _____lānās


Take out your copy of "Early in the Day."

Guided instruction: Identify declension Endings in the first paragraph. Record in notebook

  • Listen to Vocabulary.
Practice vocabulary using quizlet flashcards or matching game. 

Story read with pauses
Story read without pauses

Responde Latine:
Qui= who? plural

1. Quis surgit?
2. Qui dormiunt?
3. Quid faciunt servi et ancillae?
4. Quid servi e rivo in villam portant?
5. Cur Cornelius iratus est?
6. Quid Aurelia Corneliam docet?
7. Quid Cornelia facere parat?
8. Quid Cornelia non facit?

Quizlet Translation of Story 06

Board Race with vocabulary from Chapter 06 (flyswatter)

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Bellwork: Ajectives and insults. Homework and Classwork October 26-November 1


Latin adjectives take the same gender (masculine, feminine or neuter) as the noun they describe.  If someone is a big pig, then that person is a magnus porcus but if they are a big beast then they are a magna bestia but if they are a big turnip, then use magnum rapum.  

Use the Latin Insults Handout to create three insults. Make sure the nouns and adjectives agree. If you need help see page 34-35 in text book or ask Magistra Gill.

Choose one to write on a 3x5 card and hand it in.


You will always have something to do for Latin! In addition to studying vocabulary each night, there will also be assignments in Quia and Google Classroom.

06 Ecce Romani Quiz -21 Questions - Vocabulary and Grammar
06 Vocabulary and Grammar Quia  
(closes out October 29) Prepare by studying Quizlet Vocabulary for Chapter 06.

06 Ecce Chapter adjective agreement, Two sets of matching nouns & adjectives 
(closes out October 30) If you do not know the gender of a noun you may look up the word in LatDict. The meaning of many words will tell you the gender (puer = boy; puella = girl).
06 Chapter Ecce Translation of Story 
(closes November 1) Quia
Translation of story 06 Matching

October 26, Chapter 06 Ecce Romani

06 Prereading Questions

a. What is the setting of the picture?
b. Which of the characters that we· have met so far are in the picture?)
c. What is she doing?
d. How has the infinitive been used so far in the stories?
e. What do we mean by gender of nouns and adjectives?
f. Do French or Spanish nouns and adjectives have gender
 g. Do English nouns have  gender?
h. How would you divide nouns and adjectives we have met so far in Latin into genders?

i. What feminine nouns so you see in the. vocabulary list? 

Responde Latine:
Qui= who? plural

1. Quis surgit?
2. Qui dormiunt?
3. Quid faciunt servi et ancillae?
4. Quid servi e rivo in villam portant?
5. Cur Cornelius iratus est?
6. Quid Aurelia Corneliam docet?
7. Quid Cornelia facere parat?
8. Quid Cornelia non facit?

Vinco vocabulary word for Chapter 06

Nouns are modified by adjectives. This means that the adjective must agree in gender, number (singular or plural) and case (subject, direct object, possessive) with the noun they modify.

servus Britannicus
puellam laetam
servi Britannici (subject plural)

The gender of many nouns is not easy to predict, but you can tell by looking at the adjective used to describe the noun:

Magnus clamor in horto est. There is great shouting in the garden.

Arbor est magna. The tree is big.

Dies est calidus.  The day is hot.

Activity 5d Completing Sentences with Correct Verb Forms 

Study Chapter 06 Vocabulary Words: link to Quizlet



October 25. Chapter 05 Complementary Infinitives. Bellwork and Guided Practice

Grammar Term of the Day: Complementary Infinitives

Complementary infinitives:
  • expand the meaning of some verbs by adding an infinitive form the verb
  • complete the meaning of a verb
  • infinitives can be recognized by the letters -re at the end of the verb:

errare, to wander
ridere to laugh
ascendere to climb
cadere, to fall
repellere, to drive off
conspicere, to catch sight of
 vexare to annoy
ambulare, to walk
sedere, to sit

Translate on your own:
exire (ex+ire)

Review Characters in Iliad, Odyssey and Aeneas with this Quizlet set.

Take quiz on Aeneid:


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Wednesday October 24 Aeneas & Kahoot


Spend five minutes reviewing vocabulary for Chapter 5.

Play Kahoot vocabulary game

Two quizzes on Aeneas due tomorrow:

Video: Why Read the Aeneid? TedEd (5 minutes 30 seconds)

Quiz on Aeneid:

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Tuesday October 23 Quia Make up Quizzes October 23 Links to Quia Quizzes - Bellwork

Phrases of the day:
Periculum in mora-
There is danger in delay. (Livy)

Vincit qui se vincit -S/he conquers who conquers himself

Check to see if you did each assignment. If you did not take the quiz three times and you want to take it again, do so.  Tomorrow at midnight is the deadline for all these quizzes. You will have two more class periods, today and tomorrow, to do this.

00_First Words in Latin - 24 Questions

01 Ecce Romani Translation Quiz -14 questions

02 Ecce Romani Quiz -27 Questions - 27 Questions edited*

02_01 Ecce Romani Chapters 01 & 02 Quiz - 35 questions

03 Ecce Romani Vocabulary 23 questions edited

04 Ecce Romani Vocabulary - 28 terms edited

04_03 Ecce Romani Roman Dress, Grammar -45 Questions Edited Use

In addition read the post from last Friday and complete the Quia quiz included there. For those of you whose computer froze while taking this, I have added more attempts to Quia to give you three more chances.
Attention Cammie and Collin C.

Monday, October 22, 2018

October 22. Bellwork and Make up work - Last Chance Announcement

Phrases of the Day

Auribus tenere lupum 
to hold a wolf by the ears. (to be  in a dangerous situation and dare not let go.) (Terence)

Homo homini lupus - 
Man is a wolf to man

Lupus in fabula est - 
The wolf is in the tale/story (i.e. Speak of the wolf, and he will come; or "speak of the devil") (Terence)

auris, auris -ear
tenere - to hold
lupus, i m  wolf
homo, hominis - human being, person, man
fabula - story


If you haven't taken it yet, do this quiz today
04_03 Ecce Romani Roman Dress, Grammar -45 Questions Edited Use

When you are in Google Classroom - make a note of all other assignments that you have not done yet. I will be closing out grading for these assignments on Wednesday. 
Google Classroom period 01
Google Classroom period 03

Pre-reading derivatives for Chapter 05 in Google Classroom (First period)

Pre-reading derivatives for Chapter 05 in Google Classroom (Third period)

Pre-reading derivatives page on blog (review process)


Vocabulary in Context Chapter 05 (First period). (Third period).

Expanding your vocabulary Activity 5g (First period)  (Third period)


If you have copies of your My Hurricane Florence story and The Walking Translation for Story 04, please give them to me. I am missing quite a few.

05 Story and Vocabulary

Vocabulary in Quizlet

Take out your story handout for Chapter 05 and prepare to take notes on the handout or in your notebook:

05 Chapter Ecce Romani Story Translation

Sunday, October 21, 2018

October 22 Ecce Chapter 05 Aeneas pp. 28-31

Link to Powerpoint on Aeneas

Read about the Myth of Aeneas (pages 28-31 in your textbook).
You can also find it with this link.

Then take this short quiz-order of events in Aeneas story:

05 Chapter Ecce Aeneas pages 28-31. Open book.

Dawn of History-Trojan War History Channel Animation (2 minutes)

Illiad Open University (2 minutes)
Odyssey Open University (2 minutes)
Both epics together Open University (10 minutes)

Why Read the Aeneid? TedEd (5 minutes 30 seconds)

Upcoming: quiz below on Aeneas text in Chapter 05:

Friday, October 19, 2018

October 19: Words and Phrases of the Day; Homework

Spend half an hour reviewing the phases and words of the day from the past two months in Quizlet.

Link to Quizlet Flashcards

Link to Matching Game Below:

Then take this quiz:
Mottoes and words-of-the-day from August - October 19

Spend the rest of class time doing homework assignments in Google Classroom. 

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Thursday October 18 Ecce Romani Chapter 05 Bellwork & Quiz

Words of the Day
hodie = today = hoc + die ="this day"
cras = tomorrow
heri = yesterday

Do the exercises that are now over due in Google classroom:*

Activity 4b First Period Vocabulary in Context

Activity 4 c and d First Period

Activity 4b Third Period
Activity 4 c and d Third Period

*If you have done these you can move on directly to the quiz. 


04_03 Ecce Romani Roman Dress, Grammar -45 Questions Edited Use

When you finish the quiz study the vocabulary for Chapter 05 and/or do the derivatives activity sheet due tomorrow.


Link to Chapter 5 flashcards

05 Ecce Romani Chapter V

Pre-Reading Questions

a.   What is the setting of the picture?
b.  What characters do you see in this picture?
c.   What are they doing?
d.  What new grammar   are you going to learn in this chapter?
e.   Who can give me an example of an infinitive in English?
f.   Who can give me an example of a sentence in English that includes an

Audio for Chapter V

Questions on Story

Link to Ecce Romani Chapter V: Culture Romulus Remus and Aeneas (Quizlet)

       Link to Ecce Romani Chapter V: Derivatives (Quizlet)

05 Chapter Ecce Romani Aeneas

Read about the Myth of Aeneas (pages 28-31 in your textbook).
You can also find it with this link.

Then complete the quiz below.
05 Aeneas

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

04 Chapter Ecce Romani Bellwork and quizzes

Ira furor brevis est. Anger is brief madness.
 Caveat emptor. Let the buyer beware.
 Usus est optimus magisterExperience is the best teacher.

furor: madness, insanity
emptor: buyer
usus: experience
optimus: the best

04 Ecce Romani Vocabulary - 28 terms edited

When you finish the vocabulary quiz, take a few minutes to review the culture material in Chapter 03.

A Glimpse of Teenage Life in Ancient Rome

Four Sisters of Rome

04_03 Ecce Romani Roman Dress, Grammar -45 Questions Edited Use

Vocabulary for Chapter 05

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

04 Chapter Ecce Romani October 16

Phrases of the Day

animus sanus in corpore sano: sound mind in a sound body
(A.S.I.C.S. - shoe brand)

semper fidelis: always faithful (motto of US Marines)

Re-read independently Story 04 and vocabulary


Audio for Chapter IV
Story read quickly
Story read with pauses

Identify Core Elements of words in sentences in the Story for Chapter 04 (Handout)

Walking translation.  You have a handout with the English translation of sentences from the story. The Latin for these sentences is posted on slips of yellow paper all over the room. Find the correct Latin for each sentence on your handout, copy it  and answer the grammar question that accompanies the Latin sentence.

Quizlet Live Vocabulary for chapter 04

Homework: Study for Vocabulary Quiz tomorrow

If you find yourself finished with an activity before others in the class, use the time to study 04 vocabulary with the matching game:

Monday, October 15, 2018

Monday October 15 Bellwork and Agenda: Core Elements of a Sentence; Vocabulary Chapter 04


Materials: Latin notebook, pen or pencil, story & vocabulary sheet for Story 04 "Mischief Maker."

Phrases of the Day

Tempus fugit: time flies
carpe diem: seize the day

Learn these abbreviations so you can identify the parts of a Latin sentence”
S= subject
V= Verb
IV=intransitive verb
TV = transitive verb
C = complement
PP = Prepositional phrase
DO = direct object

Review vocabulary for Chapter 04

Direct instruction: Grammar post: 
Types of Verb

Independent group work: Vocabulary Board Race

Direct Instruction: Grammar post: direct object with recap of types of verbs

Guided and then independent instruction: Identify core elements in Story 04 using abbreviations.