Marcus Aurelius

If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it. --Marcus Aurelius

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Bellwork: Ajectives and insults. Homework and Classwork October 26-November 1


Latin adjectives take the same gender (masculine, feminine or neuter) as the noun they describe.  If someone is a big pig, then that person is a magnus porcus but if they are a big beast then they are a magna bestia but if they are a big turnip, then use magnum rapum.  

Use the Latin Insults Handout to create three insults. Make sure the nouns and adjectives agree. If you need help see page 34-35 in text book or ask Magistra Gill.

Choose one to write on a 3x5 card and hand it in.


You will always have something to do for Latin! In addition to studying vocabulary each night, there will also be assignments in Quia and Google Classroom.

06 Ecce Romani Quiz -21 Questions - Vocabulary and Grammar
06 Vocabulary and Grammar Quia  
(closes out October 29) Prepare by studying Quizlet Vocabulary for Chapter 06.

06 Ecce Chapter adjective agreement, Two sets of matching nouns & adjectives 
(closes out October 30) If you do not know the gender of a noun you may look up the word in LatDict. The meaning of many words will tell you the gender (puer = boy; puella = girl).
06 Chapter Ecce Translation of Story 
(closes November 1) Quia
Translation of story 06 Matching

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