Marcus Aurelius

If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it. --Marcus Aurelius

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Documentary Film: Rome in the First Century

Each episode is 55 minutes long. Watch one a day.

1) Read the background material presented in the film's companion webpage: Roman Empire in the First Century (PBS)
Readings: Introduction Roman Empire
Emperors (10 Minutes)

2) Read the questions in the Viewing Guide. Then watch the following episodes. Ask the teacher to pause when you need time to answer a question on the Guide. (five minutes)

Rome in the first Century - Episode 1: Order From Chaos (ANCIENT HISTORY DOCUMENTARY)

Rome in the First Century - Episode 2:  Years of Trial

Rome in the First Century - Episode 3: The Winds of Change

3) TRANSCRIPTS. If a student did not manage to record a full answer on the viewing guide during the viewing, s/he can find transcripts to all three videos here:
Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3


As time allows study the vocabulary for  Chapter 08 Lin k to Quizlet

Homework: Learn the chapter 08 Vocabulary.

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