Marcus Aurelius

If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it. --Marcus Aurelius

Thursday, October 25, 2018

October 26, Chapter 06 Ecce Romani

06 Prereading Questions

a. What is the setting of the picture?
b. Which of the characters that we· have met so far are in the picture?)
c. What is she doing?
d. How has the infinitive been used so far in the stories?
e. What do we mean by gender of nouns and adjectives?
f. Do French or Spanish nouns and adjectives have gender
 g. Do English nouns have  gender?
h. How would you divide nouns and adjectives we have met so far in Latin into genders?

i. What feminine nouns so you see in the. vocabulary list? 

Responde Latine:
Qui= who? plural

1. Quis surgit?
2. Qui dormiunt?
3. Quid faciunt servi et ancillae?
4. Quid servi e rivo in villam portant?
5. Cur Cornelius iratus est?
6. Quid Aurelia Corneliam docet?
7. Quid Cornelia facere parat?
8. Quid Cornelia non facit?

Vinco vocabulary word for Chapter 06

Nouns are modified by adjectives. This means that the adjective must agree in gender, number (singular or plural) and case (subject, direct object, possessive) with the noun they modify.

servus Britannicus
puellam laetam
servi Britannici (subject plural)

The gender of many nouns is not easy to predict, but you can tell by looking at the adjective used to describe the noun:

Magnus clamor in horto est. There is great shouting in the garden.

Arbor est magna. The tree is big.

Dies est calidus.  The day is hot.

Activity 5d Completing Sentences with Correct Verb Forms 

Study Chapter 06 Vocabulary Words: link to Quizlet

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