Marcus Aurelius

If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it. --Marcus Aurelius

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

10 Chapter Ecce Romani "Departure" December 19, Wednesday

EQ.How do we identify the conjugation to which a verb belongs? How do we find the stem of a verb? How do we translate each person of a conjugated verb?  What is tricky about 3rd, 3rd-io and 4th conjugation verbs?

Fill out a conjugation chart with these words for each conjugation:
1. exclamo, exclamare = to exclaim
2. soleo, solere (long -e) = to be accustomed to, in the habit of
3. pono, ponere (short -e) = to put, place
3-io  facio, facere (short -e)  = to do, make
4. dormio, dormire (long -i)  = to sleep

Practice vocabulary Quizlet vocabulary for Chapter 10

Take out your story handout.

Audio for story Chapter 10, read slowly for repetition. 

Latin I- 1st period; Chapter 10 read by teacher.   Raise your hand when a you hear a verb. 

Latin I 3rd period.  Group: identify verbs in story; underline.

Now listen again. Identify the verbs and tell me where they go in the chart.

Guided instruction (page 71)

Vocabulary Quiz
10 Ecce Romani-Vocabulary short matching

Homework: Conjugating Verbs Activity Book 10d (Google Classroom)

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