Marcus Aurelius

If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it. --Marcus Aurelius

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

January 29, Tuesday MakeUp days. Review of Imperfect

EQ: How do we form the imperfect?

See previous post for links to makeup work.

Review of imperfect tense

How do we form the imperfect?

Take the infinitive form of the verb: amare, monere, ponere, audire
Take off the -re: ama, mone, pone, audi
Add bam, bas, bat, bamus, batis bant.
Note: for 3rd conjugation -io and 4th conjugation verbs add an "i" before the bam, bas, bat, bamus batis bant. 

We walk (ambulare)
you singular see (videre -long e)
They run (currere)
I sleep (dormire)

Irregular Verbs - Present and Imperfect Tenses

Now go back to previous post and follow the links to retake, if you choose, the two parts of the verb test.

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